Top 7 Benefits of Valve Reconditioning and Repairing

Valves provide an essential function to the smooth operation of your machines and appliances.

Whether you’re a skilled tradesperson or an average customer, valves provide an essential function to the smooth operation of your machines and appliances. As a crucial component to many of our devices, valves can be at risk of damage and general wear and tear over time, leading to serious problems, such as safety risks and disruptions to workflow. If a valve is no longer working correctly, then it’s likely that the rest of the machine or device will be unable to function as well. For example, a damaged valve will stop a hydraulic system from operating entirely.

One solution to prevent or fix this problem is maintaining your valve through repairing or reconditioning. 

So, what are the actual benefits of reconditioning and repairing your valve? And how does this compare favourably to simply replacing the faulty valve? Here are the top 7 benefits of valve reconditioning and repairing.

1. It’s More Cost-Effective

Valves are vital components in every process where fluids or gases are handled, and their replacement can be increasingly costly. Industry-wide studies have found that reconditioning and repairing your valve can achieve savings of 50% on average. According to some sources, repairs can be as low as 30% of the cost of replacing the valve completely.

2. It’s A More Timely Solution

Repairing and reconditioning a valve can save you a great deal of time as well as money. Due to current shortages in a skilled workforce and available materials and delays in delivery, it can take longer than expected to receive a replacement valve. Reconditioning specialists can identify the root cause of the malfunction, repair the damage and send it back to you in a time-sensitive fashion.

3. It Extends The Life Of A Valve

Repairing and reconditioning your valve is both a curative and a preventative measure. As part of the reconditioning process, specialists can take several steps to prevent future breakdowns and extend the lifetime of your equipment. They can weld over worn areas, machine and lap to restore the correct dimensions, and repair or replace the damaged components.

4. Avoids Safety Risks And Shutdowns

A valve is crucial to the industrial process and can cause many problems if it’s not operating correctly. More importantly, it can lead to breaches that put your health and safety at risk. If a valve is leaking or unable to regulate the fluids or gas, the surrounding mechanism may cease to function, leading to significant disruptions in the workflow and a failure to meet targets.

5. Conserves And Recycles Precious Materials

Repairing and reconditioning your valve can be a more sustainable and eco-friendly option as well. In recent years, the precious materials used to make valves have become increasingly rare. As a result, it is more advisable to recycle and re-use the existing materials than to replace the valve as a whole.  

6. Most Valves Are Salvageable

It’s estimated that as many as 90% of damaged valves can be repaired and returned for continued service. If the valve is malfunctioning, it is frequently the case that one small component, such as a broken seal or a faulty screw, needs to be refurbished. To avoid the lengthy process of ordering and replacing a valve, it can be preferable to check if it can be salvaged first.

7. Specialists Offer A One-Stop-Shop

Valve repair and reconditioning specialists provide a one-stop-shop solution to a broken valve. As part of the process, specialists will identify and refurbish the faulty component, test the valve to ensure it operates smoothly, and return it to the owner quickly. If it is impossible to repair your valve, then specialists will inform you and provide selection advice on how to replace the equipment at a minimal cost. 

What Is The Best Option For Me?

In simple terms, the best option is whatever saves you time, avoids unnecessary costs and prevents any safety risks or significant disruption to your operations. Although there are some occasions where it may be necessary to seek out a replacement, it is generally more convenient and manageable to recondition or repair your valve.

Is Reconditioning Or Repairing Actually Beneficial?

In short? Yes! The available evidence essentially indicates that reconditioning and repairing valves provide a cost-effective, timely solution that minimises risks to your safety and disruptions to operations. In the current climate, there is no accounting for shortages in a skilled workforce and the materials required to replace valves. Therefore, it’s advisable to repair and recondition your valve instead of purchasing a new one. This addresses existing defects in your valve and prevents future problems, and extends its lifetime and value overall.

Contact Us Today

If you’re a skilled tradesperson, it is possible to repair or refurbish the valve on your own. However, this can be an unforeseeably risky and challenging venture that leads to delays or further damage. Proven experts in valve repair and reconditioning have specially designed workplaces conditioned for fixing and restoring faulty valves.

Contact John Valves to determine if a replacement is needed and advise you on the superior option available.

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