- Forged steel, bonnetless ‘V’ design compact Globe Valve for minimum flow resistance and low pressure drop.
- Integral stellite deposit body seating surface. – Stellite is noted two other times below I’m not sure we need this line included as well.
- Fixed, screwlocked back seat ring for positive leak-free back seating at maximum working conditions.
- Backseating effected on stem shoulder avoiding possible disc damage and stem blowout.
- Disc has stellite seating face and is contoured for protection of sealing surfaces at small openings.
- Disc guided in the body with stellited bearing surfaces eliminating any flow developed disc side loading being applied to the stem.
- Multiple ball, disc/stem connection has been proved on cycling tests and has been in service successfully for many years.
- Stellited stem tip bearing on a hardened insert in the disc prevents seat damage on final valve closure.
- Swing gland bolts and removable gland follower allows easy gland repacking.
- Simple adaption for power actuation by electric rotary or pneumatic diaphragm linear actuators.